Based out of Bridgeport, Connecticut, Hatebreed are known for their singular amalgam of, amongst others, hardcore, metalcore, punk(rock), groove and thrash. Even on their 1996 debut ‘Under the Knife’, they exhibited an amazing ability to blend these genres into a galvanising bare-knuckled cocktail that effortlessly bridges the gap between musical styles. With subsequently ‘Perseverance’ (2002), ‘The Rise of Brutality’ (2003) and ‘Supremacy’ (2006), frontman Jamey Jasta and his band mates wrote a prominent chapter in the history of metalcore. The band leader oozes charisma and in the past both Jasta and Hatebreed have collaborated successfully with countless colleagues from other subgenres. Hatebreed are one of hardcore’s leading lights, a reputation they’ve earned a thousand times over, both on stages worldwide and in the studio. Give ‘The Divinity of Purpose’ (2013) or ‘The Concrete Professional’ (2016) a quick listen and it’s instantly obvious time hasn’t dulled their edge. The closing line of the opening track of their last studio effort to date, ‘Weight of the False Self’ (2020), captures the essence of Hatebreed’s mission: unleash the savage instinct! #GMM25