GMM 2025 - SPIRITBOX.jpg


Saturday 21 June
South Stage

Genre Metalcore
Country Canada
Played at GMM 2022 2023

There’s nothing like true love. Guitarist Mike Stringer found his in vocalist Courtney LaPlante, his bandmate in Iwresteledabearonce. However, artistically the couple and the rest of the band were on different wavelengths, prompting the Canadian couple to part ways with their bandmates and set up their own project. Established in 2017, Spiritbox released three EPs in short succession and before they knew it the world was their oyster, especially following the release of their full-length debut ‘Eternal Blue’ (2021). The music press unanimously declared Spiritbox have a great future ahead of them and we couldn’t agree more. Musically they are one of those bands that are extremely hard to pigeonhole with influences ranging from metalcore, alternative metal, prog metal and nu-metal to post-metal. In 2022 on their GMM debut, they owned the Jupiler Stage and singer Courtney’s heavily sprained ankle didn’t prevent them from sending the crowd into a collective delirium. They came back for seconds the following year and this time around they will introduce their new long player ‘Tsunami Sea’, which his set for a March 2025 release. #GMM25